Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ohrid 24/7 Conference

This weekend we went to Ohrid to attend the 24/7 Balkan Connect Conference. The place was beautiful. It was really cool to meet people all over the Balkans doing the same thing you’re doing, but in a different ways. It was really cool the last night we prayed for the countries individually. You could really feel the power of God in the room. It was just awesome. There was also a lot of down time where we could hang out with people which was nice.
One night I went and hung out with this crew from Bosnia. Then, I went to find Jessie and Amy. Well, I didn’t know where they were. I would ask people, and they would say it is too hard to explain or you won’t find it. So I went looking. I just started walking, and followed the water where one person had said. Then I just prayed God lead me to them. I found them; they said “What in the world how did you find us.” I was told them I just prayed and followed the water.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it neat when God's Word says "My sheep know my voice and they follow me!"
