Quick Trip

The other day we went to Thasos to see the church there. We took about 15 people from Thessaloniki to there. It was a good time of spending time getting to know people for me. Liz and a lady named Alexandra road in the car I was in. It was cool getting to know them more. That night Rick spoke on the Holy Spirit. It was awesome because I had prayed that Liz would be baptized in the Spirit before we went on the trip. So when Rick talked about the Holy Spirit it was such a good opportunity. When we went to pray for people I asked her if she wanted to pray for what Rick talked about and she said yes. So it was so God and cool! We got to see the people from the church there! It was really good!
It was a good trip! We also found a really cool beach. It was good to see Danielle from Serbia. We walked up to a small village near the hotel and it was so beautiful. It was a place where they watched for Pirates coming in. It was a really cool view.
Quick Rev
I was reading in John and in Chapter 14 Jesus says in verse three “’And you know the way where I am going.’ Vs. 5 Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?’ vs 6 Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me.’”
This passage really spoke to me this week when I read it! First I love how Jesus is so confident in His answer! He doesn’t say oh you need to learn the way or one day you will figure out the way. No, He said “You know the way!” Second, we always talk about a “relationship” with Jesus. It just also shows Jesus’ teaching style of He lived it then He taught it! He showed them a relationship with Him, and then He explains to them through this relationship they had the “how” to get to the Father! They already “knew the way” because they knew Him! I love it also in John 10:14 Jesus says “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me.” I know we always say this, but it is not about doing whatever, but about knowing Him, and in that is everything! That is what He was trying to teach the disciples and us today!


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