Today was a very interesting day. We went to Shutka this morning. On major difference was that the police closed most of the Shops there this week because they were open illegally. So there was a riot there last week. We walked by a sign today in Shutka that said that Macedonia was trying to improve the look of the place. So I guess shutting down the bazaar was a part of that. When we walked up to the soup kitchen the kids picked up rocks and said happy birthday. They started throwing rocks, at us and at the building across the street at a building. So we told them to stopped, and showed them to stop. Then I talked to the one who knows English, and told him the following. I asked him if he would like it if I throw rocks at his house, and he said no. Then I said stop throwing them at other people. Two things out of all of this. One is that these kids can be so easily influenced. We just need to pray that they will be influenced to do the things of God. Two is that a part of God is discipline. There are many times in the Bible where God disciplines His children. Well I’m learning that a big part of being over others is discipline and correction. I never really liked doing it before. But being in the internship I learned that this is a good thing. It is a part of people’s growth in being a Son or Daughter of God. Tomorrow I will start a new cell group meeting at a coffee shop. I’m excited! We will see what God is going to do with this.
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